이번 학기를 끝으로 본교인 University of #Skövde(#Högskolan i Skövde, 스웨덴)으로 돌아가는 2명의 에릭(Erik)을 소개해요. University of Skövde는 우리대학과 교환학생협정을 맺은 대학입니다.
✔️ERIK OSKARSSON, Sweden/Exchange student for Fall18-Spring19(Culture and Tourism)
Being an exchange student at Sookmyung Women’s University gave me a unique opportunity to experience Korea. By attending Sookmyung I got to learn about the history of Korea and its culture which I truly fell in love with. The school has a long and proud history that I found very fascinating. I will forever be grateful towards the URINK-buddies, teachers and all the other wonderful people I have met at Sookmyung! I hope to one day come back to Korea and Sookmyung!
✔️ERIK SORTELIUS, Sweden/Exchange student for Fall18-Spring19(Division of Computer Science)
Sookmyung and Korea have truly found a place in my heart. Sookmyung is an active and unforgettable community with a long history and passion, which surprised me a lot! I want to say thank you to all the helpful staff, my URINK-buddies and all the wonderful people. I have had all the pleasure of getting to know all of you. I hope to see you again soon!
# MeetOurExchangeStudent
# StudyinKorea
# studyabroad
# Sweden
# universitet
# utbytesstudent
# 교환학생
# 북한산
# 등산
# 한강
# 건체실
# 효창공원
# 남산타워
# 숙명여자대학교
# 숙명여대
# 淑明