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Humanities & Social Sciences

Culture, Tourism & Hospitality Management

Department of Culture, Tourism & Hospitality Management

Educational Objectives:

The Department of Culture, Tourism, and Hospitality (including Foodservice Management) is a convergent academic field within the hospitality industry. It aims to cultivate professionals who can create new fields through effective integration of various existing areas and develop advanced strategic approaches through big data analysis in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Educational Goals:

  1. The field includes various areas within the hospitality industry, such as tourist destinations, cultural attractions, hotels, resorts, and restaurants, aiming to achieve synergy and competitiveness in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution through integrated and convergent academic approaches.
  2. In order to compete with international graduate schools that foster creative ideas through a convergent approach in the hospitality industry, the master's and doctoral graduate programs adopt a convergent academic approach to enhance global competitiveness.