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Arts and Physical Education


Visual & Media Design

Department of Visual & Media Design

Educational Objectives:

The Graduate School of Visual and Media Design aims to nurture distinctive individuals who, after completing their undergraduate studies as designers with skills in observation, contemplation, and implementation, can move people's hearts through visual, video, and media interactions. They will seek insights into object and service design and possess a theoretical framework to deliver diverse information of the convergent and complex era accurately and rationally.

Educational Goals:

  1. To analyze and address various communication problems that arise in the transmission of visual information and the distribution process of products and services.
  2. To nurture designers with humanistic artistic abilities and unique aesthetic sensibilities to respond to the diverse and wide-ranging design demands of the Fourth Industrial Revolution society.
  3. To enable students to explore and research specific fields, including sequence illustration (including animation), video design, commercial messaging, graphic design, brand design, information design, and UX/UI design, and propose new theories in these areas.