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Arts and Physical Education


Department of Music

Educational Objectives:

The educational purpose of the Music Department is to establish a comprehensive knowledge of music, including music history and music theory, and to cultivate talented musicians with skills and qualities to become world-class musicians. Additionally, the department aims to foster creative and innovative individuals who can contribute to the creation of outstanding works that can be recognized globally, as well as to the cultural and artistic development of the nation and society, through an explorative spirit and craftsmanship.

Educational Goals:

  1. To foster internationally competent musicians with expertise in their field.
  2. To enhance the spirit of exploration in the realm of music arts and cultivate well-rounded educators with broad knowledge and social skills.
  3. To develop progressive artistic talents, incorporating new trends in the field and nurturing professional musicians who can contribute to the globalization and informatization of national and cultural arts in line with the university's founding principles.