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College of Science


Department of Dance

“Versatile Dance Artists Shaping the Contemporary Era.”

The Department of Dance strives to cultivate exceptional dance professionals who can thrive in the global cultural and arts industry. Our educational goals revolve around fostering dance artists with a blend of creative practical skills and a diverse range of creativity.

Education Purposes

The Department of Dance strives to nurture dancers with a keen eye for showcasing diverse artistic expressions that have a meaningful impact on society. This is accomplished through a comprehensive education program that includes practical and theoretical training in various dance genres, as well as opportunities for appreciation, performance and practice.

Education Goals

The Department of Dance aims to cultivate dancing experts through a women’s education program that aligns with the department’s goals. Our specific objectives are:

  1. Develop dancers’ physicality and explore expressive techniques through precise execution of fundamental movements.
  2. Establish a strong theoretical foundation and apply philosophical principles to enhance practical dance techniques.
  3. Study the historical development of dance and contribute to its future progress.

Through these objectives, we strive to empower students with the skills and knowledge to excel in dance, fostering artistic expression and a deep understanding of the discipline.